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área protegido

English translation of área protegido

Protected area

The term 'área protegido' is translated as 'protected area' in English. It refers to a location which receives protection because of its recognized natural, ecological, or cultural values. These areas can be found all over the world and are often set aside for the purposes of conservation, to preserve the living, non-living, cultural, and natural resources that are inherent in the zone. Examples might include nature reserves, parks, and biosphere reserves.

Example sentences using: área protegido

El área protegida del parque nacional es hogar de varias especies en peligro de extinción.

English translation of El área protegida del parque nacional es hogar de varias especies en peligro de extinción.

The protected area of the national park is home to several endangered species.

This sentence is stating that the protected area (or 'área protegida') of a national park is a habitat for various species that are at risk of becoming extinct. 'Área protegida' refers to a location where certain conservation rules apply to preserve the natural environment and the species living there.

Estamos trabajando en un proyecto para reforestar el área protegida de la montaña.

English translation of Estamos trabajando en un proyecto para reforestar el área protegida de la montaña.

We are working on a project to reforest the protected area of the mountain.

This sentence is detailing the current work on a project aimed at reforesting a mountain's protected area. 'Área protegida' here refers to a region of the mountain that is safeguarded for environmental or conservation purposes. Reforestation is the act of replanting an area with trees.

Debe tener cuidado al visitar el área protegida, ya que puede afectar a la vida silvestre.

English translation of Debe tener cuidado al visitar el área protegida, ya que puede afectar a la vida silvestre.

You should be careful when visiting the protected area, as it can affect the wildlife.

This sentence is advising caution when visiting a protected area to avoid impacting the local wildlife. 'Área protegida' is a zone designated for the preservation of wild animals and their habitats; human activities in these areas need to be managed to prevent causing any harm.

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