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ardor de estómago

English translation of ardor de estómago

stomach burning

The Spanish phrase 'ardor de estómago' translates to 'stomach burning' in English. It's commonly used to describe a sensation of discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, often associated with indigestion or heartburn. The phrase can be used in medical or everyday contexts.

Example sentences using: ardor de estómago

Después de comer comida picante, suelo tener ardor de estómago.

English translation of Después de comer comida picante, suelo tener ardor de estómago.

After eating spicy food, I tend to have heartburn.

This sentence is referring to personal recurring experience of the speaker. They frequently develop heartburn after consuming spicy food.

English translation of El médico me recomendó medicamentos para el ardor de estómago.

The doctor recommended medications for heartburn.

This is a simple conversation phrase where the speaker refers to a doctor's recommendation to use medications to treat heartburn.

El ardor de estómago es un síntoma común de la indigestión.

English translation of El ardor de estómago es un síntoma común de la indigestión.

Heartburn is a common symptom of indigestion.

This example sentence refers to a medical condition, indigestion, and states that heartburn is one of its common symptoms.

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