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árbol frutal

English translation of árbol frutal

fruit tree

The Spanish term 'árbol frutal' translates to 'fruit tree' in English. A fruit tree is a tree which bears fruit that is consumed or used by humans and some animals. Different fruit trees are known for their respective fruit, for instance, an apple tree for its apples. The term 'árbol frutal' thus describes a category of trees that provide a food source in nature, and are also commonly grown for their attractive, delicious fruits in gardens, orchards, and farms.

Example sentences using: árbol frutal

Mi abuelo tiene un árbol frutal en su jardín.

English translation of Mi abuelo tiene un árbol frutal en su jardín.

My grandfather has a fruit tree in his garden.

In this example, we use the phrase to refer to a real fruit tree growing in someone's garden.

En verano, el árbol frutal da mucha sombra.

English translation of En verano, el árbol frutal da mucha sombra.

In summer, the fruit tree gives a lot of shade.

In this phrase, it's highlighted that fruit trees provide shade, besides their fruit.

La manzana cayó del árbol frutal.

English translation of La manzana cayó del árbol frutal.

The apple fell from the fruit tree.

This phrase refers to an apple falling from a fruit tree, a common natural event in apple orchards.

Planté un árbol frutal en mi patio trasero.

English translation of Planté un árbol frutal en mi patio trasero.

I planted a fruit tree in my backyard.

The speaker is talking about a fruit tree that they planted in their backyard.

El pájaro hizo su nido en un árbol frutal.

English translation of El pájaro hizo su nido en un árbol frutal.

The bird made its nest in a fruit tree.

In this example, the fruit tree is where a bird has made its nest.

El árbol frutal tiene las mejores manzanas de la región.

English translation of El árbol frutal tiene las mejores manzanas de la región.

The fruit tree has the best apples in the region.

In this statement, someone is praising the quality of the apples produced by a particular fruit tree.

Nuestro árbol frutal necesita agua.

English translation of Nuestro árbol frutal necesita agua.

Our fruit tree needs water.

This sentence means that the speaker's fruit tree requires watering.

El árbol frutal está cubierto de flores en primavera.

English translation of El árbol frutal está cubierto de flores en primavera.

The fruit tree is covered in flowers in spring.

This phrase describes a fruit tree that blooms in the spring season.

La caída de las hojas del árbol frutal anuncia la llegada del otoño.

English translation of La caída de las hojas del árbol frutal anuncia la llegada del otoño.

The falling of the leaves from the fruit tree announces the arrival of autumn.

This example phrase describes the falling of fruit tree leaves as a sign of the arriving autumn.

No toques el árbol frutal, tiene hormigas.

English translation of No toques el árbol frutal, tiene hormigas.

Do not touch the fruit tree, it has ants.

This phrase is a warning that the fruit tree has ants, so you should avoid touching it.

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