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árbol de hoja perenne

English translation of árbol de hoja perenne

evergreen tree

The Spanish 'árbol de hoja perenne' translates to 'evergreen tree' in English. Evergreen trees are a type of tree that keeps its leaves throughout the year, hence remaining green all year round. This phrase can be broken down into three parts: 'árbol' means 'tree', 'de' means 'of', and 'hoja perenne' means 'evergreen leaf' or 'leaf that is always green'. Therefore, 'árbol de hoja perenne' is literally 'tree of the evergreen leaf' in English.

Example sentences using: árbol de hoja perenne

El abeto es un tipo de árbol de hoja perenne que es común en climas fríos.

English translation of El abeto es un tipo de árbol de hoja perenne que es común en climas fríos.

The fir is a type of evergreen tree that is common in cold climates.

This sentence is referring to the fir tree, which is an evergreen tree, meaning it does not lose its leaves during winter.

El cedro es otro árbol de hoja perenne ampliamente conocido.

English translation of El cedro es otro árbol de hoja perenne ampliamente conocido.

The cedar is another widely known evergreen tree.

This sentence talks about the cedar tree, another type of evergreen tree that is widely known.

La mayoría de los árboles de hoja perenne tienen hojas en forma de agujas.

English translation of La mayoría de los árboles de hoja perenne tienen hojas en forma de agujas.

Most evergreen trees have needle-shaped leaves.

This sentence points out a common characteristic of evergreen trees, which is having needle-shaped leaves.

Una característica común de un árbol de hoja perenne es su resistencia al frío.

English translation of Una característica común de un árbol de hoja perenne es su resistencia al frío.

A common characteristic of an evergreen tree is its resistance to cold.

This sentence notes a common feature of evergreen trees - they are usually resistant to cold temperatures.

El pino es un árbol de hoja perenne que produce piñas.

English translation of El pino es un árbol de hoja perenne que produce piñas.

The pine is an evergreen tree that produces pine cones.

This sentence refers to pine trees, which are evergreen and known for producing pine cones.

El espruce es un árbol de hoja perenne que se usa comúnmente en la silvicultura.

English translation of El espruce es un árbol de hoja perenne que se usa comúnmente en la silvicultura.

The spruce is an evergreen tree that is commonly used in forestry.

This sentence is about spruce trees, which are evergreen and often used in forestry.

El árbol de Navidad tradicional es un tipo de árbol de hoja perenne.

English translation of El árbol de Navidad tradicional es un tipo de árbol de hoja perenne.

The traditional Christmas tree is a kind of evergreen tree.

This sentence conveys that the traditional tree used during Christmas is usually an evergreen tree.

Se plantó un árbol de hoja perenne en la colina.

English translation of Se plantó un árbol de hoja perenne en la colina.

An evergreen tree was planted on the hill.

This sentence tells about an event where an evergreen tree was planted on a hill.

Algunos árboles de hoja perenne pueden crecer en condiciones de sequía.

English translation of Algunos árboles de hoja perenne pueden crecer en condiciones de sequía.

Some evergreen trees can grow in drought conditions.

This sentence explains that some evergreen trees have the ability to grow in drought conditions.

Un árbol de hoja perenne puede vivir durante muchos años.

English translation of Un árbol de hoja perenne puede vivir durante muchos años.

An evergreen tree can live for many years.

This sentence iterates the fact that evergreen trees have a long lifespan.

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