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aprobar una ley

English translation of aprobar una ley

passed a law

The Spanish term 'aprobar una ley' equates to 'passed a law' in English. This action-oriented phrase pertains to the legislative process where a proposed measure or 'bill' is reviewed and eventually accepted or 'passed' into law by a legislative body such as a parliament or congress. The phrase can be used in various contexts that pertain to legal and regulatory discussions, political discourses, societal debates, history, and other sectors where laws are deliberated upon and enacted.

Example sentences using: aprobar una ley

Los diputados van a aprobar una ley sobre la protección del medio ambiente.

English translation of Los diputados van a aprobar una ley sobre la protección del medio ambiente.

The deputies are going to pass a law on environmental protection.

This example demonstrates that the phrase 'aprobar una ley' can be used to talk about legislation related to different topics. In this case, it's about environmental protection.

El gobierno intentó aprobar una ley que aumenta los impuestos.

English translation of El gobierno intentó aprobar una ley que aumenta los impuestos.

The government tried to pass a law that increases taxes.

In this example, the phrase 'aprobar una ley' is used in the context of the government trying to institute higher taxes. This is showing the phrase can be used in situations where certain actions like tax increase are proposed.

Es necesario aprobar una ley que garantice la igualdad de género en el trabajo.

English translation of Es necesario aprobar una ley que garantice la igualdad de género en el trabajo.

It is necessary to pass a law that guarantees gender equality at work.

Here, the phrase 'aprobar una ley' is used to emphasize the importance and necessity of implementing legislation, in this case, to ensure gender equality in the workplace.

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