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English translation of aparearse

Stand up.

The translation of 'aparearse' from Spanish to English is incorrect. The word 'aparearse' in Spanish actually means 'to mate' or 'to pair up' in English. It is often used in a nature or biological context, when talking about animals, but can also be used for humans in a metaphorical sense. The word you might be looking for Spanish to English translation for 'stand up' is 'levantarse'

Example sentences using: aparearse

Los perros están intentando aparearse.

English translation of Los perros están intentando aparearse.

The dogs are trying to mate.

This sentence refers to the natural behavior of animals to reproduce. In this context, 'aparearse' refers to the act of joining for reproductive purposes.

Las mariposas se aparean en el inicio de la primavera.

English translation of Las mariposas se aparean en el inicio de la primavera.

The butterflies mate at the start of spring.

This phrase describes how butterflies, as some other animals do, have a specific mating season, which in this case is the start of spring.

Los pandas tienen problemas para aparearse en cautiverio.

English translation of Los pandas tienen problemas para aparearse en cautiverio.

Pandas have trouble mating in captivity.

This sentence expresses a notable issue about pandas' reproduction. It's well known that pandas frequently struggle to mate when confined in zoos or other facilities.

Las ranas suelen aparearse después de la lluvia.

English translation of Las ranas suelen aparearse después de la lluvia.

Frogs often mate after the rain.

This statement expresses an observed behaviour in frogs, which have a tendency to mate after rainfall spells.

Es difícil observar a los gatos aparearse en la naturaleza.

English translation of Es difícil observar a los gatos aparearse en la naturaleza.

It's hard to observe cats mating in the wild.

The phrase comments on how certain natural spectacles, like wild cats mating, can be tough to witness due to their natural instincts.

A veces, los pájaros cantan para atraer a un compañero con quien aparearse.

English translation of A veces, los pájaros cantan para atraer a un compañero con quien aparearse.

Sometimes, birds sing to attract a mate to breed with.

This sentence informs us about the mating rituals of birds, which often include the act of singing to attract a potential mate.

Es común que los conejos se apareen múltiples veces al año.

English translation of Es común que los conejos se apareen múltiples veces al año.

It's common for rabbits to mate several times a year.

This phrase implies the high reproductive rate of rabbits, which are known to mate multiple times within a single year.

Los leopardos se aparean durante todo el año.

English translation of Los leopardos se aparean durante todo el año.

Leopards mate throughout the year.

The sentence reveals that unlike many species with specific mating seasons, leopards mate all year round.

Los peces payaso se aparean por vida con una única pareja.

English translation of Los peces payaso se aparean por vida con una única pareja.

Clownfish mate for life with a single partner.

This statement shares a fact about clownfish' mating behavior, which typically involves a lifelong bond with a single mate.

Los leones pueden aparearse hasta 40 veces al día durante la temporada de apareamiento.

English translation of Los leones pueden aparearse hasta 40 veces al día durante la temporada de apareamiento.

Lions can mate up to 40 times a day during mating season.

This sentence indicates an impressive fact about lions' mating habits. During their mating season, lions can mate frequently throughout the day.

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