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aparcar en zona de carga y descarga

English translation of aparcar en zona de carga y descarga

park in the loading zone

The term 'aparcar en zona de carga y descarga' translates to 'park in the loading zone' in English. This Spanish phrase is commonly seen on road signs or in parking lots, indicating an area where vehicles are allowed to be temporarily parked for the purposes of loading or unloading goods. Therefore, it's important not to leave your vehicle there for longer than it's necessary, as it could obstruct the normal functioning of businesses or could result in a parking ticket.

Example sentences using: aparcar en zona de carga y descarga

English translation of No es legal aparcar en zona de carga y descarga durante el horario de funcionamiento.

It is not legal to park in the loading and unloading area during operating hours.

This sentence describes a common traffic rule in many cities around the world where parking is prohibited in loading and unloading zones during certain hours to ensure smooth flow of traffic and deliveries.

Si vas a aparcar en zona de carga y descarga, asegúrate de que no estás obstaculizando el tráfico.

English translation of Si vas a aparcar en zona de carga y descarga, asegúrate de que no estás obstaculizando el tráfico.

If you are going to park in the loading and unloading area, make sure that you are not obstructing traffic.

The sentence points out courteous and lawful behavior when parking in a loading/unloading zone. Planning parking beforehand can help avoid causing trouble for others.

Recibí una multa por aparcar en zona de carga y descarga sin permiso.

English translation of Recibí una multa por aparcar en zona de carga y descarga sin permiso.

I received a fine for parking in the loading and unloading area without permission.

In this example, the speaker tells a personal experience where they were fined for parking in a restricted area without proper authorization, thereby breaking the law.

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