The Spanish word 'anunciante' translates to 'advertiser' in English. An advertiser is an individual or an organization that sponsors advertisements for themselves or for their products. The purpose is to influence people's decisions and behaviors through commercial messaging, making them aware of their products or services, or to encourage them to take a particular course of action. They typically publicize these messages through various mediums such as newspapers, television, internet, etc. The role of the advertiser is crucial in the fields of marketing and communication.
The advertiser pays for advertising on television.
In this sentence, 'anunciante' is the subject who carries out the action of paying for advertising on television. 'Publicidad' means advertising, and 'televisión' refers to television.
The newspaper will not reveal the identity of the advertiser.
'Periódico' in this context indicates a newspaper. The sentence is in the future tense ('no revelará'), which implies an action that will happen in the future. These words are forming a statement expressing that the newspaper will not reveal the identity ('identidad') of the advertiser.
The advertiser must provide all the information about the product.
'Deber' indicates an obligation or duty. Here, 'debe' combined with 'proporcionar' (provide) stipulates an obligation of the advertiser. 'Toda la información' means all the information and 'producto' refers to a product.