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English translation of antiinflamatorio


The Spanish word 'antiinflamatorio' means 'anti-inflammatory' in English. 'Anti-inflammatory' pertains to reducing inflammation or swelling. This term is mostly used in the medical field, often in reference to drugs or medications that help temper the body's inflammation response to injury, infection, or disease. Familiar examples of anti-inflammatory substances include aspirin, ibuprofen, and corticosteroids, among others.

Example sentences using: antiinflamatorio

Estoy buscando un antiinflamatorio para aliviar la hinchazón.

English translation of Estoy buscando un antiinflamatorio para aliviar la hinchazón.

I am looking for an anti-inflammatory to alleviate the swelling.

In this phrase, the speaker is expressing that they are in search of an anti-inflammatory medication or substance to help lessen some swelling they are experiencing. It could be used in a medical context or in a more casual setting.

Le receté un antiinflamatorio para su dolor de espalda.

English translation of Le receté un antiinflamatorio para su dolor de espalda.

I prescribed him an anti-inflammatory for his back pain.

This sentence could be spoken by a health care professional (like a doctor or a nurse), or anyone else who is authorized to recommend or prescribe medications. The speaker is indicating that they have recommended an anti-inflammatory to someone with back pain, presumably with the hope of reducing that person's discomfort.

El antiinflamatorio que toma mi madre ayuda a reducir su artritis.

English translation of El antiinflamatorio que toma mi madre ayuda a reducir su artritis.

The anti-inflammatory that my mother takes helps to reduce her arthritis.

This phrase is describiing how someone's mother uses an anti-inflammatory to help manage her arthritis. This could be indicative of a chronic condition that requires regular medication. Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation and pain in the joints, which anti-inflammatories can aid in reducing.

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