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Antiguo Testamento

English translation of Antiguo Testamento

Old Testament

The term 'Antiguo Testamento' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'Old Testament' in English. The 'Old Testament' refers to the first part of the Christian Bible, which is based mainly on the Hebrew Bible. It is a collection of religious texts that were written before the birth of Jesus Christ and forms the foundation of both Jewish and Christian religions. In Spanish, 'Antiguo' means 'Old', and 'Testamento' translates to 'Testament'.

Example sentences using: Antiguo Testamento

El Antiguo Testamento es parte de la Biblia.

English translation of El Antiguo Testamento es parte de la Biblia.

The Old Testament is part of the Bible.

This is a basic statement explaining that the Old Testament (Antiguo Testamento) is a section of the Christian Bible. The Old Testament consists of texts important to both Christians and Jews, and is often referenced in religious discussions or contexts.

Los Diez Mandamientos se encuentran en el Antiguo Testamento.

English translation of Los Diez Mandamientos se encuentran en el Antiguo Testamento.

The Ten Commandments are in the Old Testament.

The Ten Commandments are rules or laws given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, according to the Bible. This sentence emphasizes that the Ten Commandments are found within the Old Testament (Antiguo Testamento) of the Bible, specifically in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy.

Mi profesor de teología ama estudiar el Antiguo Testamento.

English translation of Mi profesor de teología ama estudiar el Antiguo Testamento.

My theology professor loves studying the Old Testament.

This statement is from the perspective of a student speaking about their theology professor. It highlights the professor's particular interest in the Old Testament (Antiguo Testamento). Studying the Old Testament is a significant part of many theology and religious studies programs due its historical, cultural, and religious importance.

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