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animal volador

English translation of animal volador

Flying animal

The term 'animal volador' in Spanish translates to 'flying animal' in English. This could refer to any animal that is capable of flight, such as birds, bats, or insects. The species of the creature isn't specified, only that it has the ability to fly.

Example sentences using: animal volador

La adaptación al vuelo es increíble en el animal volador.

English translation of La adaptación al vuelo es increíble en el animal volador.

Adaptation to flight is incredible in the flying animal.

This sentence uses 'animal volador' to describe the extraordinary adaptation of certain animals to flight.

El águila es un tipo de animal volador.

English translation of El águila es un tipo de animal volador.

The eagle is a type of flying animal.

This sentence uses 'animal volador' to describe an eagle, which is a type of bird known for its ability to fly.

El murciélago es otro ejemplo de animal volador.

English translation of El murciélago es otro ejemplo de animal volador.

The bat is another example of a flying animal.

In this sentence, 'animal volador' is used to describe a bat, which is a mammal capable of flight.

Para un animal volador, el cielo es su hogar.

English translation of Para un animal volador, el cielo es su hogar.

For a flying animal, the sky is their home.

Here it is used to depict the natural habitat of flying animals which is the sky.

Un animal volador puede alcanzar lugares altos.

English translation of Un animal volador puede alcanzar lugares altos.

A flying animal can reach high places.

This sentence points to one of the abilities of flying animals, which is reaching high places due to their capability to fly.

El hombre siempre ha envidiado al animal volador.

English translation of El hombre siempre ha envidiado al animal volador.

Man has always envied the flying animal.

This sentence uses 'animal volador' to convey a statement about human desire for the freedom associated with flight.

Un animal volador usa sus alas para volar.

English translation of Un animal volador usa sus alas para volar.

A flying animal uses its wings to fly.

Here it is used to illustrate the physiological feature of flying animals which is using wings to fly.

No todo pájaro es un animal volador.

English translation of No todo pájaro es un animal volador.

Not every bird is a flying animal.

This sentence uses 'animal volador' to make the point that not all birds, contrary to popular belief, have the ability to fly.

El picaflor es un animal volador muy rápido.

English translation of El picaflor es un animal volador muy rápido.

The hummingbird is a very fast flying animal.

In this sentence, 'animal volador' is used to describe a hummingbird, emphasizing its speed.

Observar el vuelo de un animal volador es hermoso.

English translation of Observar el vuelo de un animal volador es hermoso.

Observing a flying animal's flight is beautiful.

This sentence uses 'animal volador' to express a sentiment about the beauty of watching a flying animal in flight.

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