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animal vertebrado

English translation of animal vertebrado

vertebrate animal

The term 'animal vertebrado' in Spanish translates to 'vertebrate animal' in English. These are animals that possess a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. This classification is a fundamental division within the animal kingdom. Understanding and using this term can aid in discussions about biological and zoological concepts.

Example sentences using: animal vertebrado

El perro es un ejemplo de un animal vertebrado.

English translation of El perro es un ejemplo de un animal vertebrado.

The dog is an example of a vertebrate animal.

This sentence presents an example of a vertebrate animal, in this case, a dog. The structure of the sentence involves a subject ('the dog'), the verb ('is'), and a predicate that classifies the subject ('an example of a vertebrate animal').

Un animal vertebrado tiene columna vertebral.

English translation of Un animal vertebrado tiene columna vertebral.

A vertebrate animal has a spinal column.

This sentence defines the main characteristic of a vertebrate animal, which is having a spinal column. It provides a straightforward definition using the structure: subject + verb + complement.

El ser humano es otro tipo de animal vertebrado.

English translation of El ser humano es otro tipo de animal vertebrado.

The human being is another type of vertebrate animal.

With this sentence, we are classifying the human being as another type of vertebrate animal. This reinforces the idea that vertebrates are a diverse group that includes very different species.

Estudiamos el sistema nervioso del animal vertebrado en biología.

English translation of Estudiamos el sistema nervioso del animal vertebrado en biología.

We study the nervous system of the vertebrate animal in biology.

This sentence explains that studying the nervous system of vertebrate animals is a part of biology classes. It describes an activity (studying) related to the concept (vertebrate animal).

Es fascinante observar el comportamiento de un animal vertebrado.

English translation of Es fascinante observar el comportamiento de un animal vertebrado.

It is fascinating to observe the behavior of a vertebrate animal.

This sentence expresses an opinion (fascination) about a specific activity (observing the behavior of a vertebrate animal).

El elefante, un gran animal vertebrado, tiene una memoria increíble.

English translation of El elefante, un gran animal vertebrado, tiene una memoria increíble.

The elephant, a large vertebrate animal, has an amazing memory.

This sentence gives extra information (having an amazing memory) about a specific vertebrate animal (the elephant).

Un pez es un animal vertebrado que vive en el agua.

English translation of Un pez es un animal vertebrado que vive en el agua.

A fish is a vertebrate animal that lives in water.

This sentence describes a specific environment (water) where a certain type of vertebrate animal (fish) lives.

La tortuga es un animal vertebrado que puede vivir mucho tiempo.

English translation of La tortuga es un animal vertebrado que puede vivir mucho tiempo.

The turtle is a vertebrate animal that can live a long time.

This sentence highlights a particular characteristic (longevity) of a specific vertebrate animal (turtle).

Los pájaros son animales vertebrados que pueden volar.

English translation of Los pájaros son animales vertebrados que pueden volar.

Birds are vertebrate animals that can fly.

This sentence communicates a capability (flying) of a certain group of vertebrate animals (birds).

Un animal vertebrado puede ser carnívoro, herbívoro, o omnívoro.

English translation of Un animal vertebrado puede ser carnívoro, herbívoro, o omnívoro.

A vertebrate animal can be carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous.

This sentence describes the different feeding habits (carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous) that a vertebrate animal can have.

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