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animal terrestre

English translation of animal terrestre

land animal

The Spanish term 'animal terrestre' is translated into English as 'land animal'. This term is commonly used in scientific and environmental contexts and refers to animals that live predominantly or entirely on land in contrast to marine animals that live predominantly in water. 'Animal terrestre' could include a vast range of creatures from different species such as mammals, birds, reptiles and insects among others.

Example sentences using: animal terrestre

El elefante es un ejemplo de un animal terrestre.

English translation of El elefante es un ejemplo de un animal terrestre.

The elephant is an example of a terrestrial animal.

This sentence states that an elephant, which is a large mammal that lives on land, is an example of a terrestrial animal.

El perro es un animal terrestre que es muy común en los hogares.

English translation of El perro es un animal terrestre que es muy común en los hogares.

The dog is a terrestrial animal that is very common in homes.

This sentence is referring to a dog, which is a common type of pet that lives on land, as a terrestrial animal.

El gato es otro animal terrestre que las personas tienen como mascota.

English translation of El gato es otro animal terrestre que las personas tienen como mascota.

The cat is another terrestrial animal that people have as a pet.

This sentence is stating that a cat, which is a popular type of pet that lives on land, is another example of a terrestrial animal.

El león es un animal terrestre que vive en la sabana.

English translation of El león es un animal terrestre que vive en la sabana.

The lion is a terrestrial animal that lives in the savannah.

This sentence is talking about a lion, a large predatory animal that lives on the savannah, as a terrestrial animal.

La jirafa es un animal terrestre con un cuello muy largo.

English translation of La jirafa es un animal terrestre con un cuello muy largo.

The giraffe is a terrestrial animal with a very long neck.

This sentence is describing a giraffe, which is a tall land animal known for its long neck, as a terrestrial animal.

El oso es un animal terrestre que hiberna en invierno.

English translation of El oso es un animal terrestre que hiberna en invierno.

The bear is a terrestrial animal that hibernates in winter.

This sentence is about a bear, a large land animal that hibernates during winter, as a terrestrial animal.

El canguro es un animal terrestre famoso en Australia.

English translation of El canguro es un animal terrestre famoso en Australia.

The kangaroo is a famous terrestrial animal in Australia.

This sentence refers to a kangaroo, which is a well-known Australian land animal, as a terrestrial animal.

El zorro es un animal terrestre conocido por su astucia.

English translation of El zorro es un animal terrestre conocido por su astucia.

The fox is a terrestrial animal known for its cunning.

This sentence is describing a fox, which is a land animal known for its intelligence and cunning, as a terrestrial animal.

La ardilla es un pequeño animal terrestre que vive en los árboles.

English translation of La ardilla es un pequeño animal terrestre que vive en los árboles.

The squirrel is a small terrestrial animal that lives in trees.

This sentence is describing a squirrel, which is a small land animal that often lives in trees, as a terrestrial animal.

El caballo es un animal terrestre usado para el transporte desde hace siglos.

English translation of El caballo es un animal terrestre usado para el transporte desde hace siglos.

The horse is a terrestrial animal used for transportation for centuries.

This sentence is referring to a horse, a large land animal that has been used for transportation for many centuries, as a terrestrial animal.

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