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animal omnívoro

English translation of animal omnívoro

omnivore animal

The word 'animal omnívoro' is Spanish for 'omnivore animal'. An omnivore is an animal or person that eats both plants and meat. This term is often used in biology and ecology to classify species according to their diet. The ability to consume both plant and animal matter is considered a survival advantage in many ecosystems, as it provides a wider range of food choices and adaptation possibilities.

Example sentences using: animal omnívoro

El cerdo es un tipo de animal omnívoro.

English translation of El cerdo es un tipo de animal omnívoro.

The pig is a type of omnivorous animal.

This sentence states that a pig is an example of an omnivorous animal, meaning it eats both plants and meat.

Como animal omnívoro, el oso puede comer plantas y carne.

English translation of Como animal omnívoro, el oso puede comer plantas y carne.

As an omnivorous animal, the bear can eat plants and meat.

This sentence describes that a bear, being an omnivorous animal, can eat both plants and meat.

El humano, siendo un animal omnívoro, tiene una dieta diversa.

English translation of El humano, siendo un animal omnívoro, tiene una dieta diversa.

The human being, being an omnivorous animal, has a diverse diet.

This sentence explains that humans are omnivorous animals and therefore can have a diverse diet.

El mapache es un animal omnívoro que come una gran variedad de alimentos.

English translation of El mapache es un animal omnívoro que come una gran variedad de alimentos.

The raccoon is an omnivorous animal that eats a wide variety of foods.

This sentence states that the raccoon, an omnivorous animal, eats a wide variety of foods.

En el zoológico, alimentan al hipopótamo como a un animal omnívoro.

English translation of En el zoológico, alimentan al hipopótamo como a un animal omnívoro.

At the zoo, they feed the hippopotamus as an omnivorous animal.

This sentence discusses the feeding habits of a hippopotamus at the zoo, highlighting their omnivorous diet.

El jabalí es otro ejemplo de animal omnívoro de nuestro bosque.

English translation of El jabalí es otro ejemplo de animal omnívoro de nuestro bosque.

The wild boar is another example of an omnivorous animal from our forest.

This sentence gives an example of an omnivorous animal that can be found in forests, namely, the wild boar.

Los murciélagos son animales omnívoros que consumen frutas e insectos.

English translation of Los murciélagos son animales omnívoros que consumen frutas e insectos.

Bats are omnivorous animals that consume fruits and insects.

The sentence shows that bats, which are omnivorous animals, consume a diet consisting of fruits and insects.

El cuervo es un animal omnívoro, famoso por su inteligencia.

English translation of El cuervo es un animal omnívoro, famoso por su inteligencia.

The raven is an omnivorous animal, famous for its intelligence.

The sentence mentions that ravens are omnivorous animals and emphasizes their renowned intelligence.

Muchas especies de monos son animales omnívoros, incluyendo al chimpancé.

English translation of Muchas especies de monos son animales omnívoros, incluyendo al chimpancé.

Many monkey species are omnivorous animals, including the chimpanzee.

The sentence states that many species of monkeys, including chimpanzees, are omnivorous animals.

Ampliamente considerado como un animal omnívoro, el ratón comerá casi cualquier cosa.

English translation of Ampliamente considerado como un animal omnívoro, el ratón comerá casi cualquier cosa.

Widely considered an omnivorous animal, the mouse will eat almost anything.

The sentence comments on the dietary habits of a mouse, an omnivorous animal that will eat nearly anything.

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