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animal herbívoro

English translation of animal herbívoro

herbivorous animal

The Spanish phrase 'animal herbívoro' translates to 'herbivorous animal' in English. This term is used to describe any animal that primarily eats plant materials. Herbivorous animals can range from small insects and birds to large mammals like elephants. They play a crucial role in the food chain, helping to control plant populations and serving as a food source for carnivorous animals.

Example sentences using: animal herbívoro

El cow es un animal herbívoro.

English translation of El cow es un animal herbívoro.

The cow is a herbivorous animal.

In this sentence, the subject is 'la vaca', which means cow, and it's followed by the verb 'es', meaning 'is'. The remainder of the sentence describes the subject as being an herbivorous animal.

El conejo como animal herbívoro come zanahorias.

English translation of El conejo como animal herbívoro come zanahorias.

The rabbit, as a herbivorous animal, eats carrots.

This sentence describes the rabbit's diet, which involves consuming carrots, a behavior typical of herbivorous animals.

A los niños les encanta el cervatillo, un animal herbívoro.

English translation of A los niños les encanta el cervatillo, un animal herbívoro.

Children love the fawn, a herbivorous animal.

This sentence demonstrates the use of 'animal herbívoro' as an object complement, expanding on information about the noun 'cervatillo', meaning 'fawn'.

Siendo un animal herbívoro, el caballo sólo come plantas

English translation of Siendo un animal herbívoro, el caballo sólo come plantas

Being a herbivorous animal, the horse only eats plants.

This sentence explains that because the horse is herbivorous, it only consumes plants.

El elefante, un gran animal herbívoro, puede comer hasta 150kg de comida diariamente.

English translation of El elefante, un gran animal herbívoro, puede comer hasta 150kg de comida diariamente.

The elephant, a large herbivorous animal, can eat up to 150kg of food daily.

This sentence provides a fun fact about elephants, which are huge herbivorous animals, capable of consuming up to 150kg of food each day.

Una jirafa es un ejemplo de un animal herbívoro.

English translation of Una jirafa es un ejemplo de un animal herbívoro.

A giraffe is an example of a herbivorous animal.

This sentence asserts that a giraffe is an example of a herbivorous animal.

El ciervo, un animal herbívoro, es muy frecuente en los bosques de la región.

English translation of El ciervo, un animal herbívoro, es muy frecuente en los bosques de la región.

The deer, a herbivorous animal, is very common in the region's forests.

This sentence is stating that deer, which are herbivorous, are frequently found in the forests of the given region.

Los koalas, un tipo de animal herbívoro, son conocidos por su dieta de eucalipto.

English translation of Los koalas, un tipo de animal herbívoro, son conocidos por su dieta de eucalipto.

Koalas, a type of herbivorous animal, are known for their eucalyptus diet.

This sentence introduces the fact about koalas, known as herbivorous animals, consuming eucalyptus as a vital part of their diet.

El rinoceronte blanco es un enorme animal herbívoro de África.

English translation of El rinoceronte blanco es un enorme animal herbívoro de África.

The white rhino is a huge herbivorous animal from Africa.

This sentence introduces the white rhino, a large herbivorous animal that originates from Africa.

Como animal herbívoro, el hipopótamo pasa la mayor parte del tiempo comiendo hierba.

English translation of Como animal herbívoro, el hipopótamo pasa la mayor parte del tiempo comiendo hierba.

As a herbivorous animal, the hippo spends most of its time eating grass.

This sentence describes the hippo's typical behavior of spending most of its time consuming grass due to its herbivorous nature.

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