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animal de carga

English translation of animal de carga

beast of burden

The Spanish term 'animal de carga' translates into English as 'beast of burden'. It is used to refer to an animal, usually a large, strong one such as a horse or an ox, that is used for carrying or pulling heavy loads. The term 'beast of burden' demonstrates the role these animals have traditionally been used for in terms of manual labour and transport.

Example sentences using: animal de carga

El burro es un tipo de animal de carga utilizado en la agricultura.

English translation of El burro es un tipo de animal de carga utilizado en la agricultura.

The donkey is a type of pack animal used in agriculture.

This sentence communicates that a specific type of pack animal, the donkey, is utilised in agricultural settings, for tasks like ploughing fields or transporting goods.

En las montañas, los Sherpas dependen del yak, un animal de carga, para transportar su equipo.

English translation of En las montañas, los Sherpas dependen del yak, un animal de carga, para transportar su equipo.

In the mountains, Sherpas rely on the yak, a pack animal, to carry their equipment.

This sentence conveys that in mountainous terrains, the Sherpas, ethnic people known for their mountaineering skills, rely on a pack animal called a yak to carry their equipment.

En el viejo oeste, muchos colonos utilizaban el buey como animal de carga para viajar.

English translation of En el viejo oeste, muchos colonos utilizaban el buey como animal de carga para viajar.

In the Old West, many settlers used the ox as a pack animal for travel.

This sentence explains that during the Old West period, settlers would typically use the ox, a robust animal suited to hard labour, as a pack animal to assist them in their travels.

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