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anhídrido carbónico

English translation of anhídrido carbónico

carbon dioxide

The Spanish term 'anhídrido carbónico' translates to 'carbon dioxide' in English. Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas which is naturally produced by animals and humans through processes such as respiration and is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis. It is also produced by burning fossil fuels and by certain industrial processes. It's one of the greenhouse gases contributing to global warming and climate change. Its chemical formula is CO2.

Example sentences using: anhídrido carbónico

El anhídrido carbónico es un componente clave en la fotosíntesis.

English translation of El anhídrido carbónico es un componente clave en la fotosíntesis.

Carbon dioxide is a key component in photosynthesis.

This sentence explains the importance of carbon dioxide in the photosynthetic process where plants use it to produce glucose and release oxygen.

Nuestra respiración crea anhídrido carbónico en el proceso.

English translation of Nuestra respiración crea anhídrido carbónico en el proceso.

Our respiration creates carbon dioxide in the process.

This sentence tells about human respiration process where we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

La concentración de anhídrido carbónico en la atmósfera está aumentando debido al calentamiento global.

English translation of La concentración de anhídrido carbónico en la atmósfera está aumentando debido al calentamiento global.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing due to global warming.

This sentence discusses the role of carbon dioxide in global warming, as its increased concentration in the atmosphere contributes to the greenhouse effect.

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