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English translation of ángeles


The Spanish word for 'angels' is 'ángeles'. It is a common noun used in religious contexts to refer to celestial beings that are considered messengers of God. 'Ángeles' can also be used to denote figurative angels - individuals who possess extraordinary kindness and goodness. Like in English, it can also be employed to depict symbolic or metaphorical angels in art, literature, and popular culture. Note that in Spanish, nouns have gender and 'ángeles' is masculine despite the feminine-looking 'a' marker. Therefore it can be used to refer to angels of any gender.

Example sentences using: ángeles

Los ángeles son seres de luz en muchas religiones.

English translation of Los ángeles son seres de luz en muchas religiones.

Angels are beings of light in many religions.

This sentence refers to the common belief in various religions that angels are spiritual beings associated with light.

Los Ángeles es una ciudad famosa en California.

English translation of Los Ángeles es una ciudad famosa en California.

Los Angeles is a famous city in California.

In this sentence, 'Los Ángeles' refers to a well-known city in the United States, not to angels.

English translation of La película de 'Ángeles y Demonios' es muy popular.

The movie 'Angels and Demons' is very popular.

This sentence is about a popular movie titled 'Angels and Demons'.

English translation of Los ángeles custodios son protectores según la creencia popular.

Guardian angels are protectors, according to popular belief.

This sentence refers to a popular belief that guardian angels exist to protect people.

La canción 'Ángeles Volando' es un hermoso tema de Mónica Naranjo.

English translation of La canción 'Ángeles Volando' es un hermoso tema de Mónica Naranjo.

The song 'Angels Flying' is a beautiful song by Monica Naranjo.

In this sentence, 'Ángeles Volando' is the title of a song by singer Monica Naranjo.

Los ángeles son representados frecuentemente con alas en el arte occidental.

English translation of Los ángeles son representados frecuentemente con alas en el arte occidental.

Angels are often represented with wings in Western art.

This sentence discusses a common way that angels are depicted in Western artworks.

Tengo un libro llamado 'Conversaciones con ángeles'.

English translation of Tengo un libro llamado 'Conversaciones con ángeles'.

I have a book called 'Conversations with Angels'.

This sentence is about a book titled 'Conversations with Angels'.

Creen que los ángeles rodean el trono de Dios.

English translation of Creen que los ángeles rodean el trono de Dios.

They believe that angels surround God's throne.

This sentence discusses a belief that angels are present around the throne of God.

Los ángeles tienen nombres como Gabriel y Rafael en la Biblia.

English translation of Los ángeles tienen nombres como Gabriel y Rafael en la Biblia.

Angels have names like Gabriel and Raphael in the Bible.

The sentence explains that in the Bible, specific angels, such as Gabriel and Raphael, are named.

A veces las personas hablan de ángeles caídos.

English translation of A veces las personas hablan de ángeles caídos.

Sometimes people talk about fallen angels.

This sentence refers to a concept of angels who have been cast out of heaven, often referred to as 'fallen angels'.

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