The Spanish word 'anestesiar' is a verb, which refers to the act of administering anesthesia, a medical practice that is used to prevent patients from feeling pain during surgery. In English, this action is described by the verb 'to anesthetize'.
The surgeon is ready to anesthetize the patient.
This sentence is denoting that the surgeon is in the process of preparing to numb or sedate the patient before a surgical procedure.
Due to intense pain, they had to anesthesize my dog before the procedure.
In this context, the sentence reveals that because of the severe discomfort experienced by the speaker's dog, it was necessary to use anesthetics prior to a medical procedure to relieve the dog's pain.
How long will it take for the patient to wake up after being anesthetized?
This query is asking about the period necessary for a patient to regain consciousness after being sedated or administered with anesthetics during a medical treatment.