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English translation of anemia


The Spanish word 'anemia' translates directly to 'anemia' in English. It refers to a medical condition where your blood has lower than normal amounts of red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is crucial as it helps red blood cells to deliver oxygen throughout your body. Thus, if you have anemia, your body does not get enough oxygen-rich blood, resulting in feeling tired or weak. It can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe.

Example sentences using: anemia

Mi médico me dijo que tengo anemia y necesito comer más alimentos ricos en hierro.

English translation of Mi médico me dijo que tengo anemia y necesito comer más alimentos ricos en hierro.

My doctor told me that I have anemia and I need to eat more iron-rich foods.

In this sentence, the speaker is sharing a diagnosis they received from their doctor. They have been diagnosed with anemia, a condition resulting from a lack of red blood cells or dysfunctional red blood cells in the body. As a remedy, the speaker has been advised to consume more foods that are high in iron, which is a key component in the production of red blood cells.

La anemia es una condición común que puede ser muy peligrosa si no se trata.

English translation of La anemia es una condición común que puede ser muy peligrosa si no se trata.

Anemia is a common condition that can be very dangerous if not treated.

This is a general statement about anemia, describing it as a common condition. The speaker emphasizes the potential risk associated with anemia by noting that it can be dangerous if left untreated, possibly leading to serious health complications such as a fast or irregular heartbeat, enlarged heart, or heart failure.

Los síntomas de la anemia incluyen fatiga, debilidad y piel pálida.

English translation of Los síntomas de la anemia incluyen fatiga, debilidad y piel pálida.

Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, weakness, and pale skin.

The speaker is providing a list of symptoms associated with anemia. These symptoms — fatigue, weakness, and pale skin — result from the body not having enough red blood cells to efficiently carry oxygen to all of its tissues. This lack of oxygen can leave individuals feeling tired and looking pale.

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