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English translation of anarquía


The Spanish word 'anarquía' translates to 'anarchy' in English. This term is often used to describe a state of society without government or law. Similarly, it can also indicate a situation in which there is a lack of order or coherence. It has been widely used in political discourse, where it is applied to scenarios in which societal or government structures are disregarded or absent.

Example sentences using: anarquía

El abuso de poder conduce a la anarquía

English translation of El abuso de poder conduce a la anarquía

Abuse of power leads to anarchy

This sentence is stating that when those in power abuse their position, it can lead to a breakdown of social order, or anarchy. This is often used as a commentary or warning about political corruption.

La anarquía reinó después de la caída del gobierno

English translation of La anarquía reinó después de la caída del gobierno

Anarchy reigned after the fall of the government

This sentence describes a situation in which the government has collapsed, leading to a state of lawlessness and disorder, a situation often referred to as anarchy.

La anarquía es una forma de organización social que algunos defienden

English translation of La anarquía es una forma de organización social que algunos defienden

Anarchy is a form of social organization that some people defend

In this sentence, anarchy is referred to as a form of social organization. While usually associated with chaos and disorder, some people believe it can be a model for society, where power is decentralized.

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