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analizar un texto

English translation of analizar un texto

analyze a text

The Spanish phrase 'analizar un texto' translates to 'analyze a text' in English. This phrase is related to the act of examining a written or printed work closely and systematically for purposes such as explanation, interpretation or obtaining an understanding of its content, structure, or meaning.

Example sentences using: analizar un texto

La profesora pidió a los alumnos que analizaran un texto para la tarea de casa.

English translation of La profesora pidió a los alumnos que analizaran un texto para la tarea de casa.

The teacher asked the students to analyze a text for homework.

In this sentence, the teacher is assigning homework to the students which involves the analysis of a text. This could be a short story, a novel, an article, or any other written material.

Después de analizar un texto, es necesario redactar un resumen de los puntos más importantes.

English translation of Después de analizar un texto, es necesario redactar un resumen de los puntos más importantes.

After analyzing a text, it is necessary to write a summary of the most important points.

This sentence suggests that after analyzing or in-depth reading of a text, a summary should be generated focusing on the key points. This habit could be really helpful in academic, professional or personal scenarios to understand and remember the key thoughts in the texts.

Antes de poder analizar un texto debes leerlo cuidadosamente para comprenderlo.

English translation of Antes de poder analizar un texto debes leerlo cuidadosamente para comprenderlo.

Before you can analyze a text, you need to read it carefully to understand it.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of thorough reading before attempting to analyze a text. Rushing through a text might cause you to miss out on important information or subtleties, hence careful reading is mandatory before the analysis.

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