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análisis de sangre

English translation of análisis de sangre

blood analysis

The phrase 'análisis de sangre' in Spanish translates to 'blood analysis' in English. It is a general term for various tests performed on a blood sample to provide insights into a person's health. The blood sample can be analyzed to measure the levels of various substances and count of blood cells. Physicians ordered this type of analysis to diagnose diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, anemia, and other blood disorders.

Example sentences using: análisis de sangre

El médico ordenó un análisis de sangre para confirmar la enfermedad

English translation of El médico ordenó un análisis de sangre para confirmar la enfermedad

The doctor ordered a blood test to confirm the disease

This sentence shows a common situation in which the phrase 'análisis de sangre' might be used. The doctor is asking for a blood test to diagnose a specific disease, therefore using 'análisis de sangre' in a medical context.

Antes de la cirugía, necesitarás un análisis de sangre

English translation of Antes de la cirugía, necesitarás un análisis de sangre

Before the surgery, you will need a blood test

In this context, the phrase 'análisis de sangre' is used to denote a procedure that is commonly needed before undergoing surgery. The purpose of blood tests in these cases is to evaluate the patient's current health status and risk level, ensuring safety for the surgical procedure.

Estoy nervioso por los resultados del análisis de sangre que me hice ayer

English translation of Estoy nervioso por los resultados del análisis de sangre que me hice ayer

I am nervous about the results of the blood test I took yesterday

This sentence expresses a personal emotion related to a 'análisis de sangre'. It is common to feel nervous or anxious when waiting for the outcome of medical tests, such as a blood test, as they can indicate possible health issues.

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