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English translation of analgésico


The word 'analgésico' translates to 'analgesic' in English. An analgesic is a type of medication used to relieve pain. It is commonly available in pharmacies without a prescription for minor ailments such as headaches or toothaches. The word 'analgésico' is derived from the Greek 'an-', meaning 'without', and 'algos', meaning 'pain'. Hence, analgésico literally means 'without pain' in Spanish.

Example sentences using: analgésico

¿Tienes algún analgésico que pueda utilizar?

English translation of ¿Tienes algún analgésico que pueda utilizar?

Do you have any painkiller I can use?

This sentence is used to inquire if someone can provide a painkiller ('analgésico' in Spanish). It expresses the need for assistance to ease some pain or discomfort the speaker is experiencing.

Necesito conseguir un analgésico para mi dolor de cabeza

English translation of Necesito conseguir un analgésico para mi dolor de cabeza

I need to get a painkiller for my headache

This sentence is used when expressing a need for a painkiller due to a headache in Spanish. The word 'analgésico' is used in this context to refer to a substance or drug used to alleviate pain.

Un analgésico me ayudaría a aliviar el dolor de esta lesión

English translation of Un analgésico me ayudaría a aliviar el dolor de esta lesión

A painkiller would help relieve the pain from this injury

In this context, the speaker is expressing how a painkiller ('analgésico' in Spanish) would help to ease the pain they are feeling from an injury.

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