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amoldarse a un estilo

English translation of amoldarse a un estilo

bend to a style

The Spanish phrase 'amoldarse a un estilo' translates to 'bend to a style' in English. This is often used to refer to the process of adapting or conforming oneself to a certain style, approach, or conduct. This phrase can be applied in various contexts, like fashion, art, behavior, but can also be metaphorically used to talk about adjustments or changes in life, practices, or beliefs.

Example sentences using: amoldarse a un estilo

Ella ha podido amoldarse a un estilo de vida minimalista.

English translation of Ella ha podido amoldarse a un estilo de vida minimalista.

She has been able to adapt to a minimalist lifestyle.

In this sentence, 'amoldarse a un estilo' shows the transition or adaptation process of the subject to a specific style, here namely 'minimalist lifestyle'. The success of the transition is indicated by 'ha podido', which means 'has been able to'.

Vamos a amoldarse a un estilo de enseñanza más libre.

English translation of Vamos a amoldarse a un estilo de enseñanza más libre.

We are going to adapt to a freer teaching style.

This sentence reflects a decision or intent (indicated by 'Vamos a', which means 'We are going to') to adapt ('amoldarse a') towards a specific 'teaching style'. The adjective 'freer' modifies the 'teaching style' denoting a teaching methodology being less rigid or more open.

Los artistas deben amoldarse a un estilo determinado para vender su música.

English translation of Los artistas deben amoldarse a un estilo determinado para vender su música.

Artists must adapt to a certain style to sell their music.

In this phrase, artists' adaptation towards a specific style is put forward as a necessity ('deben amoldarse a'), emphasized with 'must adapt'. The adaption is highlighted as beneficial, particularly in terms of 'selling their music'. The style is specified as being 'determinado', meaning pre-established or defined.

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