The Spanish word 'amnistía' translates to 'amnesty' in English. Amnesty is an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses. It is a governmental act of forgiveness for individuals or groups of its sanctions or offenses, thus restoring them to the state of innocence and lawfulness. In a broader context, the term can also refer to forgetting or overlooking past offenses in various scenarios.
The government granted amnesty to the political prisoners.
This sentence refers to a situation where a governing body offers amnesty or 'pardon' (in the form of 'amnistía' in Spanish) to a group of people, in this case, political prisoners. Amnesty can be granted in various instances, including political circumstances.
The tax amnesty could benefit businessmen.
In this sentence, the term 'amnistía fiscal' refers to a set of measures that a government can use to encourage taxpayers who have committed tax fraud to regularize their situation. This form of amnesty ('amnistía' in Spanish) can be beneficial to businessmen, as suggested by the example.
The amnesty sentence helped the rebels to return to society.
This example refers to a judicial or legal ruling ('sentencia de amnistía' in Spanish) in which a group of people, in this case 'rebels', are offered amnesty. This amnesty allows them to rejoin society without punishment for their past deeds.