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English translation of amigos


The Spanish word for 'friends' is 'amigos'. It is used commonly in conversational and written Spanish to refer to a group of people with whom one has a personal relationship based on mutual affection and shared interests. Just as in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when introducing your friends to someone else ('estos son mis amigos'), asking about someone's friends ('¿Cómo están tus amigos?'), or talking about doing activities with friends ('Voy a la playa con mis amigos').

Example sentences using: amigos

Mis amigos y yo vamos a la biblioteca.

English translation of Mis amigos y yo vamos a la biblioteca.

My friends and I are going to the library.

In this sentence, the speaker shares that he is going to the library along with his friends. 'Mis amigos y yo' translates directly to 'my friends and I'.

Los amigos de Juan son muy amables.

English translation of Los amigos de Juan son muy amables.

Juan's friends are very kind.

This sentence is commenting on the character of Juan's friends. 'Los amigos de Juan' can be directly translated to 'Juan's friends'.

Siempre juego al futbol con mis amigos.

English translation of Siempre juego al futbol con mis amigos.

I always play soccer with my friends.

Here, the speaker is conveying a habitual action he performs with his friends, that is playing soccer.

Voy a hacer una fiesta en casa y todos mis amigos estarán invitados.

English translation of Voy a hacer una fiesta en casa y todos mis amigos estarán invitados.

I am going to have a party at home and all my friends are invited.

In this sentence, the speaker indicates his intentions of hosting a party and inviting all of his friends.

Mis amigos me hacen reír.

English translation of Mis amigos me hacen reír.

My friends make me laugh.

In this sentence, the speaker warmly shares how his friends create laughter.

Amigos verdaderos siempre te apoyan.

English translation of Amigos verdaderos siempre te apoyan.

True friends always support you.

This is a general claim about the supportive nature of true friends.

Quiero presentarte a mis amigos.

English translation of Quiero presentarte a mis amigos.

I want to introduce you to my friends.

This sentence expresses the speaker's desire to introduce the person they are talking to, to their friends.

Mis amigos y yo compartimos muchos intereses.

English translation of Mis amigos y yo compartimos muchos intereses.

My friends and I share many interests.

This sentence states that the speaker and his friends have several interests in common.

Aprendo más cuando estudio con amigos.

English translation of Aprendo más cuando estudio con amigos.

I learn more when I study with friends.

This sentence puts forth the speaker's observation that studying with friends aids his learning.

Nadie conoce a tus amigos mejor que tú.

English translation of Nadie conoce a tus amigos mejor que tú.

No one knows your friends better than you.

This sentence upholds the idea that a person's firsthand relationships with their friends cannot be surpassed.

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