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English translation of América


The Spanish word 'América' is a direct translation of the English word 'America'. It stands for both the continents of North America and South America combined, which are altogether viewed as a single continent in many parts of the world. Moreover, sometimes 'América' is used in a narrow way to denote the United States. The use may vary depending upon the context.

Example sentences using: América

América es un continente diverso y hermoso.

English translation of América es un continente diverso y hermoso.

America is a diverse and beautiful continent.

In this phrase, 'América' denotes a continent—not a particular country. It's important to understand that in Spanish, 'América' generally refers to the whole continent, but in American English, it often refers specifically to the United States. The phrase itself highlights the continent's diversity and beauty.

Sueño con viajar a través de América.

English translation of Sueño con viajar a través de América.

I dream of traveling through America.

This sentence introduces the idea of wanting or dreaming to do something, in this instance, 'viajar' or 'travel.' The speaker expresses a personal desire to travel extensively throughout the continent of América. Remember, the verb 'sueño' in this context means 'I dream,' not 'I sleep.'

América Latina es famosa por su rica cultura y gastronomía.

English translation of América Latina es famosa por su rica cultura y gastronomía.

Latin America is famous for its rich culture and cuisine.

In this sentence, América is used as part of a compound noun 'América Latina,' which refers specifically to countries in the Americas where Romance languages (like Spanish and Portuguese) are primarily spoken. The sentence describes that these countries are well-known for their rich cultural heritage and food.

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