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English translation of amabilidad


The Spanish term for 'kindness' is 'amabilidad'. It is used to express the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. This can refer to the way in which individuals treat one another, character traits, or actions performed. You can find it used in various contexts such as personal exchanges and literature.

Example sentences using: amabilidad

La amabilidad es una virtud que todos debemos practicar.

English translation of La amabilidad es una virtud que todos debemos practicar.

Kindness is a virtue that we all must practice.

This sentence highlights the importance of practicing kindness in everyday life.

Tu amabilidad con los extraños demuestra tu buena educación.

English translation of Tu amabilidad con los extraños demuestra tu buena educación.

Your kindness to strangers shows your good upbringing.

This phrase is used to convey the notion that good manners, as demonstrated through kindness to others, are signs of a good upbringing.

Gracias por tu amabilidad y paciencia conmigo.

English translation of Gracias por tu amabilidad y paciencia conmigo.

Thank you for your kindness and patience with me.

This phrase is expressing gratitude for someone's patience and kindness.

La amabilidad con la que me tratas es increíble.

English translation of La amabilidad con la que me tratas es increíble.

The kindness with which you treat me is amazing.

This sentence praises the incredible kindness of someone's treatment.

La gente ama su amabilidad y generosidad.

English translation of La gente ama su amabilidad y generosidad.

People love his kindness and generosity.

This sentence admires someone's kindness and generosity that is loved by people.

Trata a todos con amabilidad, independientemente de quiénes sean.

English translation of Trata a todos con amabilidad, independientemente de quiénes sean.

Treat everyone with kindness, regardless of who they are.

This phrase teaches us that we should treat everyone kindly regardless of their identity.

Tus palabras de amabilidad me hicieron sentir mejor.

English translation of Tus palabras de amabilidad me hicieron sentir mejor.

Your kind words made me feel better.

This sentence tells us how the speaker felt better due to someone's kind words.

No subestimes el poder de una simple amabilidad.

English translation of No subestimes el poder de una simple amabilidad.

Don't underestimate the power of a simple kindness.

This phrase is advising against underestimating the impact that a simple act of kindness can have.

La amabilidad hace el mundo más bonito.

English translation of La amabilidad hace el mundo más bonito.

Kindness makes the world more beautiful.

This sentence tells us that kindness can enhance the beauty of the world.

La amabilidad puede abrir puertas cerradas.

English translation of La amabilidad puede abrir puertas cerradas.

Kindness can open closed doors.

This phrase metaphorically tells us that being kind can overcome obstacles and create opportunities.

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