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English translation of altitud


The Spanish word 'altitud' translates to 'altitude' in English. It is a noun and used in various contexts. One common usage is when talking about the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. It is often used in geography, aviation, and various scientific fields. For example, 'La montaña tiene una altitud de 2000 metros' means 'The mountain has an altitude of 2000 meters'. In general, 'altitud' is used to describe how high something is.

Example sentences using: altitud

La altitud de la montaña es impresionante.

English translation of La altitud de la montaña es impresionante.

The altitude of the mountain is impressive.

This sentence is talking about a mountain's altitude being impressive which can suggest it's quite high. Here, 'La altitud' is used to mean 'The altitude', demonstrating how 'altitud' can be used in the context of geography or physical features.

La altitud afecta la temperatura de una zona.

English translation of La altitud afecta la temperatura de una zona.

Altitude affects the temperature of an area.

This sentence is stating a fact about altitude's impact on the temperature of an area. Here, 'La altitud' is used to refer to 'The altitude' demonstrating how 'altitud' can be used to discuss environmental or climatic conditions.

El avión está volando a una altitud baja.

English translation of El avión está volando a una altitud baja.

The airplane is flying at a low altitude.

In the sentence, someone observes that an airplane (el avión) is not far from the ground. The phrase 'una altitud baja' is used to mean 'a low altitude' showing how 'altitud' can be used when discussing the height or level of an object relative to sea level, in this case an airplane.

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