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alta tecnología

English translation of alta tecnología

high technology

The Spanish term 'alta tecnología' translates to 'high technology' in English. It refers to the latest and most sophisticated or advanced technical methods, materials, or systems. This phrase is commonly used in various fields such as engineering, information technology, and telecommunications. It describes technologies that are at the cutting-edge and often associated with potential significant advancements or progress in one's field.

Example sentences using: alta tecnología

La alta tecnología está cambiando rápidamente nuestra forma de vida.

English translation of La alta tecnología está cambiando rápidamente nuestra forma de vida.

High technology is rapidly changing our way of life.

This sentence refers to the way high technology, known as 'alta tecnología' in Spanish, is significantly impacting and changing our day-to-day life. The verb 'cambiando' translates to 'changing' and 'forma de vida' means 'way of life'.

En la alta tecnología, la seguridad de la información es crucial.

English translation of En la alta tecnología, la seguridad de la información es crucial.

In high technology, information security is crucial.

This sentence is discussing the importance of information security within the realm of high technology, known as 'alta tecnología' in Spanish. 'Seguridad de la información' means 'information security' and 'crucial' remains the same in both English and Spanish.

Este dispositivo de alta tecnología puede resolver muchos problemas.

English translation of Este dispositivo de alta tecnología puede resolver muchos problemas.

This high technology device can solve many problems.

Here, the sentence talks about a device coded with high technology, 'alta tecnología' in Spanish that has the capability of solving many problems. 'Este' is a Spanish demonstrative adjective which means 'this', and 'dispositivo' translates to 'device'.

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