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alimento bajo en calorías

English translation of alimento bajo en calorías

low calorie food

The Spanish term 'alimento bajo en calorías' translates to 'low calorie food' in English. This is generally used to refer to foods that are nourishing but have a reduced energy value, which are often consumed by individuals wanting to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. These foods tend to be rich in fiber, protein, and other nutrients but are low in fats, sugars, and carbohydrates, the major sources of calories.

Example sentences using: alimento bajo en calorías

El brócoli es un alimento bajo en calorías que se puede disfrutar crudo o cocido.

English translation of El brócoli es un alimento bajo en calorías que se puede disfrutar crudo o cocido.

Broccoli is a low-calorie food that can be enjoyed raw or cooked.

In this phrase, the speaker highlights broccoli as a healthy option that doesn't contribute significantly to daily calorie intake, emphasizing its versatility in meal preparation.

Incluir pescado en la dieta es fundamental, ya que es un alimento bajo en calorías y rico en proteínas.

English translation of Incluir pescado en la dieta es fundamental, ya que es un alimento bajo en calorías y rico en proteínas.

Including fish in the diet is essential, as it is a low-calorie food and rich in protein.

Here, the phrase points out the nutritional benefits of fish, suggesting it as a great dietary choice for those looking to manage their calorie consumption while still obtaining adequate protein.

Las verduras son un alimento bajo en calorías que aporta muchas vitaminas y minerales.

English translation of Las verduras son un alimento bajo en calorías que aporta muchas vitaminas y minerales.

Vegetables are a low-calorie food that provide many vitamins and minerals.

This example emphasizes the health benefits of vegetables, noting their low calorie content along with their high nutritional value, making them an essential part of a balanced diet.

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