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English translation of alimentar(se)


The Spanish term 'alimentar(se)' does not translate to 'food(s)' in English; instead, it is a verb that is most closely translated as 'to feed' or 'to nourish (oneself)'. It denotes the action of providing someone or oneself with food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.

Example sentences using: alimentar(se)

Es importante alimentar bien a los niños para su desarrollo.

English translation of Es importante alimentar bien a los niños para su desarrollo.

It is important to feed children well for their development.

This phrase emphasizes the significance of providing proper nutrition to children, highlighting the impact of good feeding habits on their growth and health.

Voy a alimentar a mi perro antes de salir.

English translation of Voy a alimentar a mi perro antes de salir.

I am going to feed my dog before leaving.

This phrase shows the intention of the speaker to take care of their pet by ensuring it is fed prior to their departure, reflecting responsible pet ownership.

En la granja, es necesario alimentar a los animales todos los días.

English translation of En la granja, es necesario alimentar a los animales todos los días.

On the farm, it is necessary to feed the animals every day.

This phrase conveys the daily routine involved in farm maintenance, stressing the importance of consistent care for livestock to ensure their health and productivity.

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