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English translation of alga


The Spanish word 'alga' translates to 'alga' in English, which refers to a group of simple, green plants that live in water. Algae can range in size from tiny single-celled organisms to large, complex forms like seaweeds. They are photosynthetic, meaning they use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into food. Algae are found in both freshwater and marine environments and can also grow on rocks, soils, vegetation, and even in extreme conditions like snowfields.

Example sentences using: alga

El barco se enredó en el alga.

English translation of El barco se enredó en el alga.

The boat got tangled in the seaweed.

This sentence talks about a scenario where a boat got stuck due to seaweed.

El alga puede ser verde o marrón.

English translation of El alga puede ser verde o marrón.

Seaweed can be green or brown.

Seaweed's colors can range from green to brown, as suggested by this sentence.

Esta especie de alga es comestible.

English translation of Esta especie de alga es comestible.

This species of seaweed is edible.

This sentence clarifies that there are certain types of seaweed that are safe to eat.

Puedes ver el alga al bucear.

English translation of Puedes ver el alga al bucear.

You can see the seaweed when diving.

This phrase indicates that seaweed is visible while diving in the sea.

El alga es buena para la salud.

English translation of El alga es buena para la salud.

Seaweed is good for health.

This phrase emphasizes the health benefits of consuming seaweed.

La tortuga come alga en el mar.

English translation of La tortuga come alga en el mar.

The turtle eats seaweed in the sea.

In this scenario, the sentence describes the diet of a sea turtle, which includes seaweed.

Recogí un alga en la playa.

English translation of Recogí un alga en la playa.

I picked up a seaweed on the beach.

This sentence describes an action performed on the beach, where the speaker picked up a piece of seaweed.

El alga se utiliza en muchos platos asiáticos.

English translation of El alga se utiliza en muchos platos asiáticos.

Seaweed is used in many Asian dishes.

This sentence points out the important role of seaweed in Asian cuisine.

La sopa tiene alga como ingrediente.

English translation of La sopa tiene alga como ingrediente.

The soup has seaweed as an ingredient.

Here, the sentence demonstrates that seaweed can be used as an ingredient in a soup.

El sushi tiene alga alrededor.

English translation of El sushi tiene alga alrededor.

Sushi has seaweed around it.

This sentence describes sushi which typically uses seaweed to wrap around rice and other fillings.

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