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ahorro energético

English translation of ahorro energético

energy savings

The Spanish phrase 'ahorro energético' translates to 'energy savings' in English. It refers to the reduction of the amount of power used, which leads to preservation of natural resources and also can result in financial savings. This term is often used in the context of sustainability and environmental conservation, and can be applied to a variety of scenarios, from household energy consumption, to industry-level energy use.

Example sentences using: ahorro energético

El ahorro energético es un tema de creciente importancia en el mundo actual.

English translation of El ahorro energético es un tema de creciente importancia en el mundo actual.

Energy saving is a topic of increasing importance in today's world.

This sentence points out the relevance and urgency of energy saving in the context of the contemporary world, suggesting a global concern for this issue.

Podemos contribuir al ahorro energético apagando las luces cuando no las necesitamos.

English translation of Podemos contribuir al ahorro energético apagando las luces cuando no las necesitamos.

We can contribute to energy saving by turning off the lights when we don't need them.

This sentence provides a practical suggestion for everyday behavior, highlighting how small actions, like switching off the lights, can contribute to energy conservation.

El ahorro energético no solo beneficia a nuestro bolsillo, sino también al medio ambiente.

English translation of El ahorro energético no solo beneficia a nuestro bolsillo, sino también al medio ambiente.

Energy saving not only benefits our pocket, but also the environment.

This sentence underlines the dual advantage of energy saving: it is good for us because it allows to save money, and it is good for the environment as it reduces energy consumption and thus the extraction of natural resources.

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