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English translation of águila


The Spanish word 'águila' translates to 'eagle' in English. An eagle is a large bird of prey with a massive hook-shaped beak and long broad wings, renowned for its keen sight and powerful soaring flight. The word 'águila' is a feminine noun in Spanish, so when using it in a sentence, ensure you use the correct article 'la' before it. It is a common word and can often be found in literature and everyday conversations illustrating strength or vision.

Example sentences using: águila

El águila está volando alto en el cielo.

English translation of El águila está volando alto en el cielo.

The eagle is flying high in the sky.

This sentence is using the present tense verb 'está volando' (is flying) to describe the eagle's action.

El águila es el símbolo nacional de muchos países.

English translation of El águila es el símbolo nacional de muchos países.

The eagle is the national symbol of many countries.

This sentence is talking about the use of the eagle as a common national symbol in several countries.

El águila tiene una vista increíblemente aguda.

English translation of El águila tiene una vista increíblemente aguda.

This sentence describes a attribute of the eagle, it's sharp vision.


El águila capturó a su presa con sus garras poderosas.

English translation of El águila capturó a su presa con sus garras poderosas.

The eagle captured its prey with its powerful claws.

This phrase describes the eagle hunting its prey by using its claws.

El águila puede volar a altitudes extremas.

English translation of El águila puede volar a altitudes extremas.

The eagle can fly at extreme altitudes.

This sentence highlights the capability of the eagle to fly at very high altitudes.

El águila usa su nido para proteger sus huevos y crías.

English translation of El águila usa su nido para proteger sus huevos y crías.

The eagle uses its nest to protect its eggs and chicks.

This sentence discusses the use of the eagle's nest to keep its eggs and offspring safe.

El águila caza durante el día.

English translation of El águila caza durante el día.

The eagle hunts during the day.

This sentence points out that the eagle is a diurnal creature, meaning it is active during the day.

El águila es un depredador natural.

English translation of El águila es un depredador natural.

The eagle is a natural predator.

This phrase illustrates that the eagle is a hunter in its natural environment.

El águila es conocida por su gran tamaño y fuerza.

English translation of El águila es conocida por su gran tamaño y fuerza.

The eagle is known for its large size and strength.

This sentence depicts two key characteristics of the eagle, its large size and strength.

El águila tiene un pico afilado para desgarrar su comida.

English translation of El águila tiene un pico afilado para desgarrar su comida.

The eagle has a sharp beak for tearing its food.

This sentence describes how the eagle uses its sharp beak for eating by tearing its food.

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