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English translation of agudizarse


The Spanish word 'agudizarse' is a verb that translates to 'sharpen' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the action of making something sharp or more pointed in a physical sense, such as a pencil or knife. However, it can also figuratively describe the action of enhancing or making more acute a skill, sense, or intellectual capacity. An important thing to note is that 'agudizarse' generally implies a progressive or ongoing sharpening process.

Example sentences using: agudizarse

El problema está comenzando a agudizarse.

English translation of El problema está comenzando a agudizarse.

The problem is starting to get worse.

This sentence is used to express that a certain problem is starting to become more serious or intense.

La crisis financiera podría agudizarse si no tomamos medidas.

English translation of La crisis financiera podría agudizarse si no tomamos medidas.

The financial crisis could worsen if we don't take action.

This sentence is used to communicate a warning or prediction about something becoming worse or more serious if certain actions are not taken.

La escasez de agua en la región puede agudizarse con el cambio climático.

English translation of La escasez de agua en la región puede agudizarse con el cambio climático.

Water scarcity in the region can worsen with climate change.

This sentence involves a possible future condition (the effects of climate change) and its potential impact, leading to a worsening situation (water scarcity) in a specific geographical area.

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