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agua oxigenada

English translation of agua oxigenada

oxygenated water

The Spanish term 'agua oxigenada' translates to 'oxygenated water' in English. It is a liquid solution containing one or more oxygen atoms bonded to other elements, often used in medical or cosmetic applications. These might include wound cleaning, hair bleaching, stain removal, or teeth whitening. In essence, 'agua oxigenada' is a multi-purpose solution that has found widespread use due to its oxidizing properties.

Example sentences using: agua oxigenada

He comprado agua oxigenada para limpiar una herida.

English translation of He comprado agua oxigenada para limpiar una herida.

I have bought hydrogen peroxide to clean a wound.

This phrase reflects the common usage of hydrogen peroxide for treating and cleaning wounds or cuts.

En el botiquín no debe faltar agua oxigenada.

English translation of En el botiquín no debe faltar agua oxigenada.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be missing in the first aid kit.

This sentence suggests the importance of having hydrogen peroxide as an essential item in every first aid kit.

El agua oxigenada puede ayudarte a blanquear los dientes.

English translation of El agua oxigenada puede ayudarte a blanquear los dientes.

Hydrogen peroxide can help you whiten your teeth.

This statement informs about a less known usage of hydrogen peroxide, which is teeth whitening.

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