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agua bendita

English translation of agua bendita

Holy water

The Spanish phrase 'agua bendita' translates to 'holy water' in English. This term is predominantly used in religious contexts, specifically within Christian therapy and rites. The water is blessed by a priest or another religious figure and is generally considered to have spiritually purifying qualities. It is often used in ceremonies like baptisms and blessings.

Example sentences using: agua bendita

Mi abuela siempre guarda un poco de agua bendita en casa.

English translation of Mi abuela siempre guarda un poco de agua bendita en casa.

My grandmother always keeps some holy water at home.

This sentence is about a customary practice in some Spanish households, especially for those who are religious. Storing holy water at home may be done for different purposes such as for blessings, protection, or religious rituals.

Llevó agua bendita al hospital para bendecir a su recién nacido.

English translation of Llevó agua bendita al hospital para bendecir a su recién nacido.

He brought holy water to the hospital to bless his newborn.

This sentence depicts a situation where a person brings holy water to a hospital for a religious ceremony. In different cultures, it is considered auspicious to bless a newborn child with holy water to wish them a life of health and prosperity.

El padre roció agua bendita sobre los fieles durante la misa.

English translation of El padre roció agua bendita sobre los fieles durante la misa.

The priest sprinkled holy water on the faithful during mass.

This sentence provides an example of a religious practice in Catholic masses. The priest sprinkles holy water on the congregation as a form of blessing and purification. This is a common practice in Catholic liturgy.

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