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English translation of agrupación


The Spanish word 'agrupación' translates to 'grouping' in English. This noun is often used in contexts where a collection of people, things or ideas is brought together for a specific purpose. It can be used to describe a variety of gatherings or collections, from formal organizations and clubs to informal groupings of friends or items. The word is derived from the verb 'agrupar', which means 'to group'.

Example sentences using: agrupación

La agrupación de estrellas en el cielo es impresionante.

English translation of La agrupación de estrellas en el cielo es impresionante.

The grouping of stars in the sky is impressive.

In this sentence, 'agrupación' is used to highlight the grouping or assembly of stars seen in the sky.

La agrupación musical tocará esta noche en un concierto.

English translation of La agrupación musical tocará esta noche en un concierto.

The musical group will play tonight at a concert.

Here, 'agrupación' is used to refer to a musical group or band that will be performing at a concert tonight.

La agrupación de las flores en el jardín es hermosa.

English translation of La agrupación de las flores en el jardín es hermosa.

The grouping of flowers in the garden is beautiful.

In this example, 'agrupación' is referring to how the flowers are grouped together or arranged in the garden.

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