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English translation of agrícola


The Spanish word 'agrícola' translates to 'agricultural' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe something that is relating to, used in, or engaged in farming or agriculture. This word can be used in a variety of contexts in the Spanish language, much like 'agricultural' in English. It can refer to agricultural practices, industries, studies, products, lands and more.

Example sentences using: agrícola

El país está desarrollando su sector agrícola.

English translation of El país está desarrollando su sector agrícola.

The country is developing its agricultural sector.

This sentence talks about a country that is improving its agricultural business or farming activities.

La maquinaria agrícola es vital para la economía.

English translation of La maquinaria agrícola es vital para la economía.

Agricultural machinery is vital to the economy.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of farming equipment to the financial prosperity of a place.

Estudia ingeniería agrícola en la universidad.

English translation of Estudia ingeniería agrícola en la universidad.

He studies agricultural engineering at the university.

This phrase is about a person studying a specific field of engineering which is associated with farming and agriculture at a higher education institution.

La granja agrícola produce muchos vegetales y frutas.

English translation of La granja agrícola produce muchos vegetales y frutas.

The agricultural farm produces a lot of vegetables and fruits.

This sentence talks about a particular farm that produces or grows a significant amount of vegetables and fruits.

La política agrícola debe ser revisada.

English translation of La política agrícola debe ser revisada.

The agricultural policy needs to be reviewed.

This phrase implies that there are aspects of the rules or regulations related to farming that need to be rechecked or reconsidered.

La revolución agrícola cambió la historia humana.

English translation of La revolución agrícola cambió la historia humana.

The agricultural revolution changed human history.

This sentence is about a historical period of important change and progress in farming practices that had a significant impact on human civilization.

El clima afecta la productividad agrícola.

English translation of El clima afecta la productividad agrícola.

The weather affects agricultural productivity.

This phrase talks about how the conditions of weather have an impact on the effectiveness or success of farming activities.

El uso eficiente del agua es crucial en el sector agrícola.

English translation of El uso eficiente del agua es crucial en el sector agrícola.

Efficient water usage is crucial in the agricultural sector.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of using water resourcefully in farming practices.

Nuestra cooperativa agrícola es muy exitosa.

English translation of Nuestra cooperativa agrícola es muy exitosa.

Our agricultural cooperative is very successful.

This phrase is about a successful cooperative or collaboration between several people in the farming field.

El trabajo agrícola es muy demandante físicamente.

English translation of El trabajo agrícola es muy demandante físicamente.

Agricultural work is very physically demanding.

The phrase communicates that the work related to farming or agriculture usually requires a lot of physical effort or labor.

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