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English translation of agravarse


The word 'agravarse' in Spanish translates to 'aggravated' in English. It's often used to describe situations that have worsened or intensified. For example, in medical contexts, it can indicate that a condition or symptom has become more severe. In legal or social contexts, it might refer to a situation or dispute that has escalated.

Example sentences using: agravarse

La situación económica podría agravarse si no tomamos medidas inmediatas

English translation of La situación económica podría agravarse si no tomamos medidas inmediatas

The economic situation could worsen if we do not take immediate measures

This sentence uses the verb 'agravarse' to indicate that an already challenging economic situation has the potential to become more severe or serious if effective actions are not taken promptly.

Mi salud se empezó a agravarse después de la operación

English translation of Mi salud se empezó a agravarse después de la operación

My health started to deteriorate after the operation

In this instance, 'agravarse' refers to the worsening of the speaker's health condition following a surgical procedure, indicating a decline rather than an improvement post-operation.

El problema del cambio climático continuará agravándose si no se toman medidas sustentables

English translation of El problema del cambio climático continuará agravándose si no se toman medidas sustentables

The problem of climate change will continue to worsen if sustainable measures are not taken

Here, 'agravarse' is used to project future outcomes in relation to global climate change, suggesting that the situation will continue to degenerate unless sustainable actions are implemented.

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