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agotarse un libro

English translation of agotarse un libro

exhausting a book

The Spanish phrase 'agotarse un libro' translates directly as 'a book becoming exhausted' in English. However, it is more contextually correct to say that the book is 'sold out' or 'out of stock'. This phrase is typically used in retail or library settings to convey that there are no more available copies of a particular book. It can also figuratively mean that the book has been thoroughly read or utilized to the point of exhaustion.

Example sentences using: agotarse un libro

English translation of Este vendedor afirmó que el último ejemplar se agotó un libro muy popular.

This seller stated that a very popular book ran out of its last copy.

In this sentence, 'agotarse un libro' is used to explain that a book has sold out. Here, it's used to describe an action that took place, specifically, the last copy of a popular book being sold out, as stated by the seller.

English translation of Una vez lanzado, se espera que se agote este libro en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

Once released, this book is expected to sell out in the blink of an eye.

In this example, 'agotarse un libro' is used to describe an anticipated event, that is, the expected selling out of a book immediately after it's released. It shows the popularity and high demand for the book.

Me encantaría comprar ese libro, pero temo que pueda agotarse antes de que tenga la oportunidad.

English translation of Me encantaría comprar ese libro, pero temo que pueda agotarse antes de que tenga la oportunidad.

I'd love to buy that book, but I fear it might sell out before I get the chance.

Here, 'agotarse un libro' is used to express concern about a potential situation, that the book in question could sell out before there is an opportunity to buy it. It speaks to the individual's desire to procure the book and their worry about missing that opportunity.

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