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English translation of agnóstico


The Spanish word 'agnóstico' translates to 'agnostic' in English. It is used to describe a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. This word can be used in various contexts relating to religious beliefs and discussions.

Example sentences using: agnóstico

Mi amigo es agnóstico y no cree en la existencia de Dios.

English translation of Mi amigo es agnóstico y no cree en la existencia de Dios.

My friend is agnostic and does not believe in the existence of God.

This sentence is describing the religious view (or lack thereof) of the speaker's friend. The word 'agnóstico' in Spanish defines a person who does not claim to know the existence of God.

El profesor de filosofía es agnóstico, cuestiona todo lo que no puede ser probado científicamente.

English translation of El profesor de filosofía es agnóstico, cuestiona todo lo que no puede ser probado científicamente.

The philosophy professor is agnostic, he questions everything that cannot be scientifically proven.

In the context of this sentence, 'agnostic' is used to describe an individual's philosophical worldview where they challenge or question anything that cannot be verified through scientific means.

El agnóstico necesita prueba antes de creer en algo.

English translation of El agnóstico necesita prueba antes de creer en algo.

The agnostic needs proof before believing in something.

This sentence discusses the skeptical nature of an 'agnostic,' a person who needs concrete evidence or proof before accepting or believing in something.

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