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agente de bolsa

English translation of agente de bolsa


The Spanish term 'agente de bolsa' translates to 'broker' in English. A broker, or 'agente de bolsa', is a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others. This term is commonly used in the context of finance and business. In a stock exchange setting, a broker can be referred to as a 'stock broker', who is responsible for buying and selling stocks and other securities on behalf of investors.

Example sentences using: agente de bolsa

Mi tío es un agente de bolsa muy exitoso.

English translation of Mi tío es un agente de bolsa muy exitoso.

My uncle is a very successful stockbroker.

This sentence is stating that the speaker's uncle works as a successful stockbroker. The role of a stockbroker includes buying and selling stocks and other securities for both retail and institutional clients, through a stock exchange or over the counter, in return for a fee or commission.

Decidí contratar un agente de bolsa para manejar mis inversiones.

English translation of Decidí contratar un agente de bolsa para manejar mis inversiones.

I decided to hire a stockbroker to handle my investments.

In this instance, the speaker is saying they made a choice to hire a stockbroker. The stockbroker's job will be to handle all tasks related to the speaker's investments. This tends to include tasks such as potentially buying or selling stocks to ensure the best financial gains are made.

El agente de bolsa ofrece un plan de ahorro para la jubilación.

English translation of El agente de bolsa ofrece un plan de ahorro para la jubilación.

The stockbroker offers a retirement savings plan.

This sentence is describing a service provided by a stockbroker. The service is offering a plan for retirement savings, which typically includes strategies for investing and saving money that will be used after retirement.

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