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English translation of agencia


The Spanish word 'agencia' is commonly used to refer to the place or company providing a particular service. For example, an advertising agency would be 'una agencia de publicidad'. Like the English ‘agency’, the usage of 'agencia' varies depending on the context and it is used broadly in both professional and day-to-day conversations.

Example sentences using: agencia

La agencia de empleo me ayudó a encontrar un trabajo.

English translation of La agencia de empleo me ayudó a encontrar un trabajo.

The employment agency helped me find a job.

In this example, „agencia“ is referring to an employment agency, a company which helps people find job opportunities.

La agencia de viajes organiza vuelos internacionales.

English translation of La agencia de viajes organiza vuelos internacionales.

The travel agency organizes international flights.

In this example, „agencia“ refers to a company (travel agency) that organizes services such as flights.

La agencia publicitaria lanzó una campaña publicitaria original.

English translation of La agencia publicitaria lanzó una campaña publicitaria original.

The advertising agency launched an original advertising campaign.

Here, „agencia“ is used to refer to a specific type of company (advertising agency) that is responsible for creating advertising campaigns.

La agencia de bienes raíces firmó un nuevo contrato.

English translation of La agencia de bienes raíces firmó un nuevo contrato.

The real estate agency signed a new contract.

In this example, „agencia“ refers to a real estate agency. This type of agency sells or rents properties, like houses or apartments.

Mi agencia de seguros me ayuda cuando tengo un accidente con el coche.

English translation of Mi agencia de seguros me ayuda cuando tengo un accidente con el coche.

My insurance agency helps me when I have a car accident.

Here, „agencia“ is used within a very specific context, an insurance agency. This kind of company provides clients with different insurance policies, for example, in case of a car accident.

La agencia gubernamental estableció nuevas regulaciones.

English translation of La agencia gubernamental estableció nuevas regulaciones.

The government agency established new regulations.

In this example, „agencia“ refers to a government body responsible for specific functions, like establishing regulations in this case.

La agencia ambiental se preocupa por la protección de la naturaleza.

English translation of La agencia ambiental se preocupa por la protección de la naturaleza.

The environmental agency cares about the protection of nature.

In this case, „agencia“ specifies a type of organization (environmental agency) that has a specific mission, normally related to nature and environmental protection.

La agencia de noticias publicó un informe sobre los hechos recientes.

English translation of La agencia de noticias publicó un informe sobre los hechos recientes.

The news agency published a report about the recent events.

In this sentence, „agencia“ refers to a news agency. These agencies collect news and distributes it to different outlets.

La agencia espacial lanzó un nuevo satélite.

English translation of La agencia espacial lanzó un nuevo satélite.

The space agency launched a new satellite.

„Agencia“ here refers specifically to a space agency, these bodies handle all matters related to space and astronomy.

La agencia de modelos contrató a nuevos talentos.

English translation of La agencia de modelos contrató a nuevos talentos.

The modeling agency hired new talents.

In this case, „agencia“ refers to an agency that represents models (modeling agency). These agencies generally help models get jobs in the fashion industry.

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