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afrontar una situación

English translation of afrontar una situación

facing a situation

The Spanish phrase 'afrontar una situación' translates to 'facing a situation' in English. This phrase is typically used to express the act of dealing with a challenging or difficult scenario head-on, instead of avoiding or ignoring it. It signifies courage and resilience in problem-solving situations. In real-life context, you might use it when talking about confronting issues in personal life, professional work, etc.

Example sentences using: afrontar una situación

Es importante saber afrontar una situación difícil con valor.

English translation of Es importante saber afrontar una situación difícil con valor.

It's important to know how to face a difficult situation with courage.

This sentence emphasizes on the importance of staying strong and courageous when going through a challenging situation.

No pude afrontar una situación tan vergonzosa.

English translation of No pude afrontar una situación tan vergonzosa.

I couldn't face such an embarrassing situation.

This sentence suggests the speaker's inability to cope with an embarrassing circumstance.

A veces es difícil afrontar una situación cuando no sabes lo que te espera.

English translation of A veces es difícil afrontar una situación cuando no sabes lo que te espera.

Sometimes it's difficult to face a situation when you don't know what awaits you.

This sentence illustrates the difficulty of dealing with unknown or uncertain situations.

Gracias a mi terapia, he aprendido a afrontar una situación de estrés.

English translation of Gracias a mi terapia, he aprendido a afrontar una situación de estrés.

Thanks to my therapy, I've learned how to face a stressful situation.

This sentence shows how therapy helped the speaker in learning how to deal with stressful situations.

Debemos afrontar una situación como esta con paciencia y perseverancia.

English translation of Debemos afrontar una situación como esta con paciencia y perseverancia.

We must confront a situation like this with patience and perseverance.

This sentence insists on the importance of being patient and persistent when dealing with a given situation.

Fue valiente al afrontar una situación tan peligrosa.

English translation of Fue valiente al afrontar una situación tan peligrosa.

He was brave to face such a dangerous situation.

This sentence commend's someone's bravery in confronting a dangerous situation.

A veces, la mejor manera de afrontar una situación es simplemente seguir adelante.

English translation of A veces, la mejor manera de afrontar una situación es simplemente seguir adelante.

Sometimes, the best way to deal with a situation is simply to move forward.

This sentence suggests that moving forward can sometimes be the best way to handle a situation.

Aprende a afrontar una situación sin perder la compostura.

English translation of Aprende a afrontar una situación sin perder la compostura.

Learn to face a situation without losing your composure.

This is a piece of advice about maintaining one's composure while dealing with a challenging situation.

Sólo al afrontar una situación difícil podemos crecer y aprender.

English translation of Sólo al afrontar una situación difícil podemos crecer y aprender.

Only by facing a difficult situation can we grow and learn.

This sentence implies that confronting difficult situations can lead to personal growth and learning.

Espero poder afrontar una situación similar con más tranquilidad en el futuro.

English translation of Espero poder afrontar una situación similar con más tranquilidad en el futuro.

I hope to be able to face a similar situation more calmly in the future.

The speaker is expressing his wish for being able to deal with similar situations in a calmer manner in the future.

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