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English translation of aerosoles

aerosol sprays

The Spanish word 'aerosoles' translates to 'aerosol sprays' in English. These are substances enclosed under pressure and able to be released as a fine spray, typically by means of a propellant gas. They can relate to various products like deodorants, paints, and medicinal products that are stored in a container under high pressure.

Example sentences using: aerosoles

Evite el uso de aerosoles en interiores.

English translation of Evite el uso de aerosoles en interiores.

Avoid using aerosols indoors.

This sentence advises against the use of aerosols indoors, likely due to potential health risks related to air quality.

Los aerosoles pueden dañar la capa de ozono.

English translation of Los aerosoles pueden dañar la capa de ozono.

Aerosols can damage the ozone layer.

This sentence refers to the potential environmental effect aerosols can have on the ozone layer.

Muchos desodorantes vienen en forma de aerosoles.

English translation of Muchos desodorantes vienen en forma de aerosoles.

Many deodorants come in aerosol form.

This sentence describes that many deodorants are aerosol-based and are packaged in pressurized containers.

Los aerosoles son útiles en la pintura de graffiti.

English translation of Los aerosoles son útiles en la pintura de graffiti.

Aerosols are useful in graffiti painting.

This sentence explains how aerosol cans are commonly used in creating graffiti art.

Aerosoles de pimienta son usados para la defensa personal.

English translation of Aerosoles de pimienta son usados para la defensa personal.

Pepper aerosols are used for personal defence.

This sentence mentions the use of pepper spray aerosols as a common tool for personal defense.

Los aerosoles pueden ser perjudiciales para los asmáticos.

English translation of Los aerosoles pueden ser perjudiciales para los asmáticos.

Aerosols can be harmful to asthmatics.

This sentence highlights the potential health risks aerosols represent for people who have asthma.

Por favor, recicla los aerosoles vacíos.

English translation of Por favor, recicla los aerosoles vacíos.

Please recycle empty aerosols.

This sentence encourages the practice of recycling empty aerosol containers.

Los fogonazos de aerosoles son peligrosos.

English translation of Los fogonazos de aerosoles son peligrosos.

Aerosol flashovers are dangerous.

This statement warns about the dangers of aerosol cans in high heat environments, where they may explode or ignite.

Los aerosoles inflamables deben almacenarse correctamente.

English translation of Los aerosoles inflamables deben almacenarse correctamente.

Flammable aerosols should be stored correctly.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of properly storing flammable aerosols for safety.

La limpieza con aerosoles puede ser eficiente.

English translation of La limpieza con aerosoles puede ser eficiente.

Cleaning with aerosols can be efficient.

This sentence expresses how aerosols can make the task of cleaning more efficient.

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