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adoptar una actitud tolerante

English translation of adoptar una actitud tolerante

adopt a tolerant attitude

The phrase 'adoptar una actitud tolerante' in Spanish translates to 'adopt a tolerant attitude' in English. This means to take on a manner or mindset of acceptance and openness. It implies showing respect for the opinions, practices, or behavior of others even if one doesn't agree with them, showcasing patience and flexibility. It's often used in contexts where encouragement towards understanding and intervening differences peacefully is required.

Example sentences using: adoptar una actitud tolerante

Para resolver conflictos, una persona debe adoptar una actitud tolerante.

English translation of Para resolver conflictos, una persona debe adoptar una actitud tolerante.

To resolve conflicts, a person should adopt a tolerant attitude.

This speaks about how adopting a tolerant disposition allows an individual to tackle conflicts efficiently.

Adoptar una actitud tolerante ayudará a mejorar las relaciones interpersonales.

English translation of Adoptar una actitud tolerante ayudará a mejorar las relaciones interpersonales.

Adopting a tolerant attitude will help to improve interpersonal relationships.

This phrase suggests that a tolerant attitude can better one's social interactions.

Adoptar una actitud tolerante no significa que debas aceptar todo.

English translation of Adoptar una actitud tolerante no significa que debas aceptar todo.

Adopting a tolerant attitude does not mean that you have to accept everything.

This example suggests that being tolerant does not imply agreeing with everything.

Es importante para los líderes adoptar una actitud tolerante.

English translation of Es importante para los líderes adoptar una actitud tolerante.

It is important for leaders to adopt a tolerant attitude.

The example emphasizes the importance of tolerance in leadership roles.

Adoptar una actitud tolerante puede aportar paz a tu vida.

English translation of Adoptar una actitud tolerante puede aportar paz a tu vida.

Adopting a tolerant attitude can bring peace to your life.

The example suggests a direct link between tolerance and peace of mind.

Todos deberíamos tratar de adoptar una actitud tolerante.

English translation of Todos deberíamos tratar de adoptar una actitud tolerante.

We should all try to adopt a tolerant attitude.

This phrase proposes tolerance as a universal ambition.

Adoptar una actitud tolerante es un paso hacia la madurez.

English translation of Adoptar una actitud tolerante es un paso hacia la madurez.

Adopting a tolerant attitude is a step towards maturity.

The phrase links tolerance with personal growth and maturity.

Adoptar una actitud tolerante es un signo de inteligencia.

English translation of Adoptar una actitud tolerante es un signo de inteligencia.

Adopting a tolerant attitude is a sign of intelligence.

The statement here implies that intelligent people display tolerance.

Al adoptar una actitud tolerante, podrás entender mejor a los demás.

English translation of Al adoptar una actitud tolerante, podrás entender mejor a los demás.

By adopting a tolerant attitude, you can better understand others.

The phrase illustrates how tolerance can lead to a better understanding of others.

Es posible adoptar una actitud tolerante sin renunciar a tus principios.

English translation of Es posible adoptar una actitud tolerante sin renunciar a tus principios.

It is possible to adopt a tolerant attitude without giving up your principles.

This sentence demonstrates that tolerance and having principles are not mutually exclusive.

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