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adoptar una actitud abierta

English translation of adoptar una actitud abierta

adopt an open attitude

The phrase 'adoptar una actitud abierta' translates to 'adopt an open attitude' in English. This phrase signifies the acceptance of various perspectives and open-mindedness. In use, it encourages individuals to be receptive, unbiased, and welcoming towards new ideas and different viewpoints rather than limiting themselves to a single, narrow mindset. By adopting an open attitude, one exhibits flexibility and adaptability in different circumstances or toward different people and cultures.

Example sentences using: adoptar una actitud abierta

Es importante adoptar una actitud abierta para aprender nuevas culturas.

English translation of Es importante adoptar una actitud abierta para aprender nuevas culturas.

It's important to adopt an open mind in order to learn new cultures.

This sentence emphasizes on the importance of being open-minded when it comes to learning about different cultures. It suggests that broad-mindedness can facilitate the learning process.

Al adoptar una actitud abierta, sofía logró entender mejor el problema.

English translation of Al adoptar una actitud abierta, sofía logró entender mejor el problema.

By adopting an open attitude, Sofia managed to understand the problem better.

This sentence talks about a person named Sofia who managed to comprehend a problem better by being open-minded.

El equipo tuvo que adoptar una actitud abierta para encontrar soluciones innovadoras.

English translation of El equipo tuvo que adoptar una actitud abierta para encontrar soluciones innovadoras.

The team had to adopt an open-mind attitude to find innovative solutions.

In this case, the sentence conveys the significance of having a liberal approach within a team to find new and innovative solutions.

Si quieres desarrollar tu creatividad, debes adoptar una actitud abierta.

English translation of Si quieres desarrollar tu creatividad, debes adoptar una actitud abierta.

If you want to develop your creativity, you must adopt an open-minded attitude.

This phrase highlights the correlation between having an open-mind and the development of one's creativity.

Voy a adoptar una actitud abierta y aceptar tus cambios.

English translation of Voy a adoptar una actitud abierta y aceptar tus cambios.

I'm going to adopt an open-mind attitude and accept your changes.

This sentence signifies the speaker's willingness to accept changes from another person by being open-minded.

Para aprender a programar, tienes que adoptar una actitud abierta.

English translation of Para aprender a programar, tienes que adoptar una actitud abierta.

To learn to program, you have to adopt an open-mind attitude.

This expresses the necessity of being open to new concepts to learn and understand programming.

Uno puede crecer personalmente al adoptar una actitud abierta hacia la vida.

English translation of Uno puede crecer personalmente al adoptar una actitud abierta hacia la vida.

One can grow personally by adopting an open attitude towards life.

The phrase indicates the potential growth one can have by being receptive to life's experiences.

Para llegar a un compromiso, debemos adoptar una actitud abierta.

English translation of Para llegar a un compromiso, debemos adoptar una actitud abierta.

In order to reach a compromise, we need to adopt an open-minded attitude.

This states the requirement of an open mind to reach a mutual agreement.

Claudia considera que adoptar una actitud abierta es fundamental para la comunicación efectiva.

English translation of Claudia considera que adoptar una actitud abierta es fundamental para la comunicación efectiva.

Claudia believes that adopting an open-minded attitude is crucial for effective communication.

This talks about a person named Claudia who believes in having a broad mind for unambiguous communication.

Adoptar una actitud abierta me ha ayudado a superar varios retos.

English translation of Adoptar una actitud abierta me ha ayudado a superar varios retos.

Adopting an open-mind attitude has helped me overcome various challenges.

This phrase reveals how the speaker has been able to surpass difficulties with the help of an open-mind attitude.

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